Saturday, 6 August 2011

Games Day 2011

Hello and welcome! It's games day season with Spain and Chicago already and with Germany this weekend. It's beckoning on me that Games Day UK is fast approaching with less than 2 months to go and I haven't got my tickets yet. Anyway with this wake up call to get a move is was looking for some inspiration and found last weeks Golden Demon Chicago and Spain Gallery. I found what I was looking for some fantastic miniatures with plenty of inspiring thoughts. My favorites are the grey knights dreadknight which won gold in 40k large monster at Spain and the lovely grey knight squad which won gold in 40k squad at Chicago.
For those who haven't seen the photos yet I thought I'd share here make sure to check them out. Links below

Golden Demon Spain 2011 Photos

Golden Demon Chicago 2011 Photos

Thanks For Looking!